Ensuring our business is undertaken in a way that is ethically responsible, safe and in line with the company’s values and standards is essential. Since the company was founded in 2018, our ethos has remained the same ‘fairness and respect’. These values are shared among all 118 Security employees and are reflected in everything we do.
Everything we do is based around our core values. These put people – whether they are colleagues, security officers or members of the public – at the heart of what we do.
To enhance mission performance and achieve our shared goals, we are committed to promoting a culture founded on the core values below.
Core values
We are committed to accurate, context-sensitive interpretation and application of agreements, standards, policies, and regulations.
We share information across organisational boundaries. We listen to our customers and collaborate to find the best possible solution.
We are available to provide timely guidance and feedback, and we assure the right info is available to the right person(s) at the right time.
We conduct ourselves in an honest, trustworthy, and ethical manner at all times.
We respect and care for others.
We honour our commitments and protect the confidentiality of information.
Sed consequat porta risus non elementum. Nullam nec neque nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Why did you start a business?
Sed consequat porta risus non elementum. Nullam nec neque nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id tellus dictum sem venenatis vehicula ac et est.
Why did you start a business?
Sed consequat porta risus non elementum. Nullam nec neque nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id tellus dictum sem venenatis vehicula ac et est.
Why did you start a business?
Sed consequat porta risus non elementum. Nullam nec neque nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id tellus dictum sem venenatis vehicula ac et est.
Why did you start a business?
Sed consequat porta risus non elementum. Nullam nec neque nulla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed id tellus dictum sem venenatis vehicula ac et est.
24 Hour Operations / Alarm Receiving Centre
24/7 – 365 Days A Year: 0333 006 2371
General Enquiries, Accounts & Recruitment
0900 – 1700 Monday to Friday: 0333 006 2371
118 Security Ltd | Company No: XXXXXX | VAT No: XXXXXX
Rainham House, New Road, Rainham, RM13 8RA
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